how to prepare for your past life regression discovery session

The purpose of the past life regression discovery session is to get to know each other a bit better, and to decide if a PLR would be right for your goals. Since this session is online and we don’t have the benefit of meeting physically, a Discovery is an important step in the process.

It’s also an opportunity for you to ask me any questions you may have about past life regressions. Particularly if you’re not familiar with the process and don’t know what to expect.

In order for me to be prepared for your Discovery, please complete the form below after you have booked your discovery session.

To book your Past Life Regression Discovery session: CLICK HERE to Book A Past Life Discovery Session.

I’m truly looking forward to helping you have not only an amazing experience, but one that may even be life changing!

The Nuts’n bolts of a successful past life regression discovery session

Technical Details:

Before our session, please make sure you have a working webcam (whether auxiliary or part of your laptop). Also, make sure to have a working headset with microphone.

You can get a free Zoom account to test your equipment. That’s the system we’ll be using for your past life regression session.

You’ll be able to access “Settings” in Zoom so that your camera and the headset you plan to use, are compatible and selected.

Before our appointment, I’ll send you a Zoom link to our meeting and I’ll record our session.

The meeting should take 15-20 minutes. Please ensure that you won’t be interrupted during that time, and that you’re in a quiet place.

Your phone number with area code where you can also receive text messages.
Select the best option that applies
Select the best option that applies
Select the best option that applies
Select the best option that applies
Select the best option that applies
Select the best option that applies
Select the best option that applies
Select the best option that applies
Select the best option that applies
Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn, etc.
Please add a sentence or two... Or a few sentences

I’m very much looking forward to meeting you!