Heal, Manifest & Age-Regress

Unlock the Limitless Possibilities of the Quantum Field & Manifest Your Dream ~ Including a younger YOU.


When you book a Discovery session, it’s not just for us to meet. Although that will be nice! I want to learn about your reasons for having a past life regression, so that we can determine if you’ll get the results you’re looking for with this type of therapy. 

In many ways, Past Life Therapy can achieve extraordinary results, nevertheless, I don’t want you to waste your money, or have unrealistic expectations if I don’t feel this process will actually deliver your desired outcome. 

Past Life Regression Therapy may be exactly what you need or it may not. Let’s find out! There’s no obligation for you to book in so why not?

past life regression therapy...

a healing journey of discovery
...that can Move Mountains

clear ailments & unhappiness

Many things that ail us, or make us feel unhappy and longing for a better life, are rooted in experiences had in lives lived long ago. In lessons already learned. Traumas already had. A heavy burden, easily released, once recognized.

Get Acquainted with your
"higher self"

Who do you trust the most to give you advice that is in YOUR best interest? Your higher self of course! A Past Life Regression can leverage the wisdom you've gained across lifetimes lived in the past. Whether a hundreds of years ago or just decades.

meet Guides, Angels, Even Family & pets

The moment you experience a connection between your "now" and your "then", you begin to enjoy a level of comfort and freedom, understanding that time and space are not an obstacle to communication with loved ones long gone.

Don's A People Pleaser

How to make yourself a priority

Don's Past Life RegressionDon was aware that throughout his life he had been prioritizing the needs of others over his own. He had always thought it was rooted in his childhood - and could not change that... Until he met his other self in a previous life.

How he unburdened himself from pleasing others to his detriment

A solution for today was discovered rooted in a lifetime 700 years in the past
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Terri's Lost Love

How to get over a heartache

Terri's Past Life RegressionTerri had a short but very intense relationship with a man whom she met by chance. The attraction between them was very strong and very intense. But he was engaged to be married - and abruptly ended the relationship. Never to be heard from again.

How she cut the emotional ties swiftly and permanently

Finally. Closure after a murderous stage coach ride 100 years ago!
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Mark's Shoulder Pain

How to alleviate decades of discomfort & pain

Mark's Past Life RegressionFor decades Mark has had to deal with a shoulder pain he attributed to a high school basket ball injury. It was constantly nagging him and just couldn't seem to get it fixed. So he just accepted the fact that he had to live with it.

How he released the shoulder pain originally inflicted in an ancient war

The pain originated in medieval times as a soldier protecting the keep of a castle.
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Betty's Heart

How she maintained heart health

Betty's Past Life RegressionFor many years Betty had a weak heart. After learning about her past life, she now believes there is a correlation between her past life regression and her recovering heart health.

How she learned to "open her heart" to forgive

A past life regression revealed how she was viciously murdered for the love of her husband.
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Sheri's Fear of strangulation

How Sheri-Lyn Eliminated a tightness in her throat

Sheri's Past Life RegressionThere was never a time when she didn't feel the 'cotton ball' in her throat - when stressed it got worse... Almost like being strangled. It left her constantly worried about speaking out and speaking her mind.

How she was freed from feeling incapable of speaking out

Reconciling her hanging as a witch in a past life, was the connection that freed her.
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Don's Wunderlust

How to reconcile deep seated desires - not necessarily to fix them

Don's Past Life RegressionDon has a had a lifelong desire to travel, to re-locate often, to move around, and to experience the world. He didn't want to "fix" this... just understand it.

How to feel okay with who you are

In a not-so-past life, potentially a "parallel" life, he accepted who he was... and is today.
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I Am Tracy Jay.

Tracy Jay is a skilled past life regressionist, with a passion for empowering individuals on their transformative journeys. 

Since obtaining her certification as a hypnotist in 2000, Tracy has been dedicated to helping people heal and grow with past life regression, using the power of the subconscious mind. 

Tracy has also received training EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), a powerful method for addressing emotional and psychological issues. 

Tracy utilizes both techniques in her remote past life regression sessions, to facilitate the clearing of energy blockages acquired in early life, and those traumas rooted in past lifetimes. 

Her empathetic approach and deep understanding of the human psyche make her a trusted guide for individuals seeking profound personal growth, emotional release, and spiritual exploration. Tracy’s mission is to support others in unlocking their inner potential and living their best lives.


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