don the people pleaser - a Seven hundred year old solution through past life regression


Don's Past Life RegressionIn this life Don has struggled with being a people pleaser. A past life regression turned out to be the perfect solution. He always thought this tendency was rooted in his childhood. On the surface that makes sense. His father was always working and rarely took part in family or domestic activities. In his teens, Don basically took over the responsibilities of his father. He helped with all the domestic chores, the cooking, household repairs and driving his mom to do grocery shopping.

In his very early childhood, he lived in a very large house with a lot of staff.  He was constantly under observation, told what to do, and had to listen to the staff. He dressed for dinner, had limited free time and his life was always on a schedule. He didn’t have much choice in anything, and his only praise came from people whom he pleased, by following instructions.

overview of Takeaways from this past life regression

Who is this past life regression for?

Past life regression is for those who have particular proclivities, not necessarily just those of being a people pleaser. Perhaps it’s the opposite. If you know that, for example,  you have specific tendencies… Like being a perfectionist, a procrastinator, being overly critical or too submissive. Or if you react badly to criticism.

This is a just short list. If you acknowledge certain traits in your personality that you’d either like to understand, or even change, then this past life regression with Don will be of interest to you.

prefer to watch & listen, or read?

In the video below I read the whole story of the past life regression. You can also follow along with the text below, or simply read. There are two ways to enjoy the journey.

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the full story

Reading Time: 4.5 Minutes

The pattern of pleasing others had been a constant theme in his life. He was aware of it and even understood it, but couldn’t break out of the pattern because of fear of displeasing others, not being liked or accepted.

But blaming his early training in serving and pleasing others, would have been too easy a conclusion to arrive at.

Don asked me what we could determine with a past life regression. I explained that his higher self would direct us to the exact and correct place to understand this further. 

After his induction, we “arrived” at the source of his issue and the picture began to unfold. As he became aware of his surroundings, we learned that Don was a small orphan child. He didn’t know his name or his age but when I directed him to look at his feet and tell me what he was wearing, it became apparent that his was a meager little life.

“They’re wrapped in dirty rags… with string to hold them on”. He seemed incredulous at that. The story unfolded further.

He tells me that he’d been taken in by a peasant family, given a corner to sleep in, and scraps to eat. But he had little interaction with them, fending for himself most of the time, and after completing his chores her was left to his own devices.

The only interaction he’d had with the peasant family in the tiny village was to work in the fields. He was taken in because he was another farm hand and able to work.

There was no real relationship with these people and so when a group of king’s men came through on horseback, looking for children to take to the castle, in service, he was gladly sold for a small sum.

He was loaded into a cart with other children for the trip back to the castle which took two days. They slept in a covered wagon. The children, of various ages, barely spoke to each other. Everyone was afraid. Arriving at the castle, he was thrown into a room with other boys, and some adults. They were fed gruel with lumps of fat mixed in.

Don was always good natured and so he tried to interact with the others, but they didn’t respond very well, wanting to keep to themselves. So Don occupied his time with juggling whatever objects he could find – like cups. He found he was good at it. The guards also noticed that he had a talent.

One day, the guards came and took him from the cell, moving him to another part of the castle. A cleaner and warmer space awaited, and more freedom. 

He was allowed to go outside and into the courtyard to mill around, watch, and listen to others. All the while practicing his juggling. He was pleased to be allowed to interact with the servants of the castle. Initially, he was quite perplexed, about why he was extended such fortune. He had freedom, better food, clothes and preferential sleeping arrangements.

Then one day, he was enlightened. “You’re going to be one of the King’s jesters.” he was told by a guard. His new job was to entertain the King, his family and guests at dinner time. 

Now Don completely understood why he got more freedom within the castle! He was expected to learn stories to tell, hear gossip and to have time to practice his juggling skills.

He began to interact with the other court jesters who taught him the basic rules, which were very simple. Keep juggling, doing tricks, back flips and whatever you’re good at, tell jokes, make fun of people, but never… ever make fun of the King, or his family.

Once the guards and the other jesters thought he was ready, the day arrived. He was to serve the King as one of his entertainers. Don had a natural talent for humor, since he was a joyous little soul, and for juggling and gymnastics because he was small, wirey and athletic.

During dinner, once the musicians had gone, it was the jester’s job to provide entertainment for the King, the Queen and their guests. Dinners were served in a large hall, where there was a long table for the guests, and a dais of sorts, like a stone shelf, where the King and his family sat at their table. They were elevated over the guests, who were the local lords of land holdings, and their wives. All of them were dressed ostentatiously.

The large hall was cold, despite a massive fireplace where huge logs burned. There were food scraps, bones, dirt and straw, along with dog feces, on the stone floor. 

The servants brought out large bowls of roasted meat and vegetables and the guests ate with their hands, unceremoniously grabbing food from the bowls. The wine flowed in abundance, and everyone was raucous.

The little jester was surprised by their behavior. As far as he was concerned, they weren’t much different than the peasants in his own village. At lease, the King and his family were much more calm and well behaved, eating and speaking as he would have expected a King to behave.

During his performance, there was a lot of laughter, though at times it was difficult to overcome the noise. All the sounds echoed and reverberated in the large stone walled room. Eventually, he was dismissed, after his successful first performance. He made a deep bow to the King. The King approved of his new jester.

The little jester was on the job at least twice a week. Every night the King wanted entertainment, whether he had guests or not. This went on for several months.

In preparation for a large event, which may have been a celebration of an upcoming marriage, or a hunt, he was selected to perform as the jester of the evening,

When it was his turn, after the musicians left the floor, and as dinner was being served to the guests, he started his routine of juggling and telling jokes. He often made fun of the King’s enemies and of lords he did not like. The King liked that and always laughed heartily.

His last planned joke of the evening, was to poke fun at the King’s family and the King. The little jester made fun of the King’s mannerisms and of his dealings with the other land holders of his Kingdom.

As he was telling his jokes, the hall became silent. The King’s face darkened with anger. There was no laughter. There was not a sound. No one laughed, even though the little jester’s story was very funny.

Then he remembered! He had been told at the beginning of his short career, never to make fun of the King or his family.

The King raised his hand, and with a swooping gesture, like a sword swing, he summoned one of the guards who was standing by the wall behind him. The guard was a large, powerful man.

The guard stepped forward and grabbed the little jester by the shoulder, dragging him out of the chamber. The guard was strong and forceful. In the next chamber, the guard hoisted his massive hand and struck the little jester on the head. 

That was the last thing the little jester remembered.

Afterward, Don understood that the King ordered him killed, as punishment for making fun of him. He had to send a message to the servants, in order to maintain control.

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Since this session over a year ago, Don has had many realizations. Some were related to things he has an affinity to in this life, that he figures stems from his past life. Things like wool, leather, wood and natural materials. Other things that appeal to him or that he finds familiar, are old stone buildings and the smell of horses (though he didn’t grow up around them and has never been on a horse).

There are many more similarities between Don today and the little jester of old, that surprised him. For example, he still loves to poke fun at people (even though that got the little jester into big trouble). As a child in this life, he was easily able to entertain himself and to this day, loves his solitude, never feeling “alone”. As a child in this life, he could complete a Rubik’s cube in seconds. Being alone at Christmastime or other traditional family events has never bothered him because he easily entertains himself.

However, the take-aways extend to deeper psychological revelations that have also benefitted him. For example; Having recognized his people pleasing tendencies in that past life, he now understands why he was so compelled to continue to please in this life. He now understands that he had linked the two. Please me or die. With this feeling lurking in the back of his mind, you could see how he would not want to risk someone’s displeasure.

Now he is much more likely to say “no” when asked for help, especially if him helping was to his own detriment. He also realized that he would force his help on people who didn’t even ask for it. He doesn’t do that anymore either. Today he’s much more aware of where his times goes and the direction in which his life is headed. He finds himself to be more calm, whereas he used to feel quite frantic.

Don has said that now, he is much more aware of his own value, needs and happiness. He doesn’t seek approval any longer. Don is also not fearful of displeasing people and speaks his mind more easily, no longer afraid of pursuing his own direction without being afraid of leaving someone behind.

Don always noticed that when his usefulness to someone expired, he would be “ditched”, left out or left behind. Today he is very aware of reciprocity for the expenditure of his valuable time, knowledge and effort. He doesn’t feel the need to explain or justify his actions and feels free to explore and achieve his happiness on a day to day level.

This may seem like a lot of work, but keep in mind that Don is an introspective person, has had several past life experiences and has had about 2 years to process them. He credits his past life journeys as playing a huge role in his ability to have turned around his life!

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